Let's Talk: Non-Registered Vs Registered Accounts

Hello eager financial readers! In this week's post, I'm going to help you understand the difference between registered and non-registered accounts. This week's post will be quite short. Just a quick explanation to help you understand some accounts that we'll dig more into later.

What's the Difference?

When you perform your banking activities to earn money, it falls under the 2 categories I previously mentioned. This is all you need to know for now. Registered accounts have tax advantages and are designed to help you save either tax-free or tax-deferred. Registered accounts each have their own unique features that will help you save money and legally avoid paying tax. Non-registered accounts are regular accounts that do not have any advantages. Any money earned is taxed. Below is a simplified version of the chart.



  • Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)
  • Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
  • Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)
  • Lock-In Retirement Account (LIRA)
  • Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
  • Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
  • Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP)
  • Registered Pension Plan (RPP)
    • Defined Contribution Pension (DC)
    • Defined Benefit Pension (DB)
    • Individual Pension Plan (IPP)
    • Retirement Compensation Agreement (RCA) 
  • Any account not listed under 'Registered'
  • Examples include: chequing accounts, saving accounts, regular investment accounts


Nice and easy this time. It's about to get slightly more complicated!
