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Let's Talk: Mortgages

Buying a home is the largest financial transaction most people will ever make in their lifetime. It's a very important decision to make and requires lots of commitment. Most homes are acquired through mortgages because people don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay for it upfront. There's a lot of information regarding home-ownership but don't you worry. I already know this is gonna be a long one. I'll do my best to once again break it down so you can easily understand it. The Right Reasons Like I mentioned previously, this is a very important financial decision and you need to think about why you are getting into home-ownership. You have to consider whether you can afford the payments and lock-in for the next 25 years. Affordability is the most important factor to consider because why would you want to be house-rich but cash-poor? It's not like you can take a piece off your house and eat it. Heated markets in Canada like Toronto and Vancouve...

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Post CERB Benefits

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